My courage to be myself no matter what. This was not something that happened overnight. It's not cool to be different in grade school. I will not say that I don't care what others think. I do care what people close to me think. I am saying that I still have the courage to be who I am, even when others dislike it, or talk about me. They can kick rocks :) That's my favorite saying this week.
I have the rarest personality type in the world. It's been documented at least 3 times. Every time I take the Meyers Briggs personality test, I always score as an INFJ. Introvert, intuitive, feeling, judging. Less than 2% of people in the world have that personality type. It took me a while to come across an accurate description of that personality. I finally found one and it was scarily accurate.
My friends would likely disagree and say that I am indeed an extrovert. I disagree. Being around people recharges extroverts. Being around people drains introverts. It's not that they don't enjoy it, its just that they usually need to be alone to recharge or feel refreshed. I am borderline extrovert, but still definitely an introvert overall.
If you are interested in knowing your own Meyers Briggs Personality type, there is a link with a free online test below.
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