Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day 3: If you could wish for anything that would come true, what would you wish for?

This is such a difficult question to answer. I would wish for a super powers. Notice I said power(S) with an S, plural. One has to be very particular with their verbiage when wishing. I would wish for the ability to fly (even in outer space), be able to withstand and regenerate quickly from any sort of physical injury and to be able to heal others in this way with just a touch, and telekinetic powers. Now, I would also have to wish to only be able to use those powers for good, because Lord knows, I'd have it in for these crazy Florida drivers! I would  probably go to jail if I had any of the other super powers (super strength, ability to read people's minds, because people do, say and think some crazy/hurtful things). I also wouldn't wish for telepathy or the ability to foresee the future (Sookie from True  Blood has taught me about the woes of telepathy). 

With these super powers my house would be impeccably clean ALL the time! I could start my own moving company. The overhead would be super low! I'd never have to buy a plane ticket again to go home to visit! I'd love to go to outer space and see the stars, or better yet the places where they are born...the nebulas, up close, or at least as close as I could without being vaporized. I would actually search for the end of the first rainbow I came across. I would go see the Jordan river. I, I , I ....but what could/would I do for others with these powers? Isn't that a more important question?

I would actually donate my blood as often as I could to help people with leukemia, or other illnesses from which they could not heal on their own. I would also donate organs, if it was possible, because they would just regenerate. I would try to heal as many sick children as possible. I say children because I am sure there would be a loooooong list of people who want to be never deserve to die...especially from crippling, debilitating diseases that kill them slowly, so I would always give them priority. Plus, most of them still have innocence and promise abiding within them :) 

I would personally help churches/schools/ non-profits build their buildings and move things in for them for free.

I would try to decrease the severity/impact damage during car accidents. I couldn't likely prevent them, as I would not be able to predict them, but I could slow down the impact, which could save lives. 

I wonder what other great things could be done with these powers. What would you do with them?

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