Saturday, October 13, 2012

Day 2: 10 Things I Can't Live Without (or at least I THINK I can't live without) :)

  1. God
  2. Hopeful Romanticism---the fact that I believe that there is some cute, quirky guy out there just for me, but we just haven't had the pleasure of bumping into each other yet keeps my heart full of light and life
  3. A sense of humor
  4. My Dog :) - I told her she does not have my permission to die..EVER 
  5. Telephone
  6. The internet
  7. Music-I love to sing. It makes my heart smile
  8. My nephew---Although it would almost kill me to lose a parent or sibling...I think I would be most devastated if anything happened to my little nephew. His life has just begun. He has such a beautifully radiant, innocent spirit. It's impossible for it to not rub off on you when you are around him.
  9. True friendship-no one is meant to be completely alone---I think this is truly one of the worst punishments that can ever be inflicted upon such a social species as ourselves. This is why solitary confinement is considered the worst punishment a correctional institution can impose. You know what's crazy? I once heard a poet mention the term "voluntary confinement." It blew me away. Think about it...there are people who spend all day, everyday alone...voluntarily...not  because they are locked away behind bars. 
  10. Popeyes chicken...Yep...It's that serious.

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